What is EuroYouth and what are we doing?

EuroYouth e.V. aims to connect people and bring cultural diversity to life. We organise international exchanges for young people (18 to 30 years) and work as sending organization for participants at our partner's events and exchanges (e.g. in Armenia, Spain, Turkey, Morocco or Poland). Our goal is to keep the barriers to participation as low as possible and to create a desire for dialogue and exchange.

EuroYouth e.V. was founded in 2018 as an informal group of a handful of young people. One obvious thing the founding members have in common: they have all done an European Voluntary Service, now European Solidarity Corps. The experience gained was to be carried forward! And so the first 9-day exchange "The Power of Sports" organised by the EuroYouth team with over 20 participants from three continents took place in 2019.

More projects followed and were in the planning stage when suddenly the pandemic threw things into disarray. We used the time to think about our vision and plan new projects. You can find our vision and values here.

At the end of a retreat with a few new faces in October 2021, it was clear: we were going to found a non-profit organisation! And so EuroYouth e.V. was born in 2022. Your can read your statute here (only in German). The association is based in Heidelberg, but not all members live there. Instead we are spread all over Germany and at times also in other countries.

We meet at least monthly online and as often as possible in person. If you are interested in getting to know us better, you can reach us under [email protected]

You can also support us as a sustaining member. Just send us an email or write us via the contact form.

The EuroYouth team