How to participate

Participate in our projects

Together with partner organisations we organise international projects, for excample youth exchanges. If we have free places for our projects, you will find advertisement on social media. In that case you can apply for them on our website.

Become active in our organization

If you want to become voluntarily involved in a dynamic group of young people in an international context, EuroYouth e.V. is exactly the right place for your. You can contact us and just have a look at our next monthly meeting. If you are already sure to become active in our organization, you can find the application to become a member here. Just fill out the document and send it to [email protected]

Support us financially

If you like our projects but you don't have time to become active ourself, there is also the possibility to support us financially. You can either become a passive member of our organisation EuroYouth e.V. or simply donate money. If your interested, you can contact us.